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Drug Offences



Drugs which are illegal and categorised are known as “controlled drugs.” These are drugs which are heavily regulated by the criminal law. There are three types of drug categorisation based on their level of harm. These are:


  • Class A: Cocaine (including its crystal form Crack Cocaine), Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD), Ecstasy, Heroin, Methamphetamine (including its commonly known crystal form known as Crystal Meth), Psilocybin (commonly known as magic mushrooms)
  • Class B: Amphetamines, Barbiturates, Cannabis, Codeine, Ketamine, Synthetic Cathinones
  • Class C: Anabolic Steroids, Benzodiazepines (commonly known as diazepam), Nitrous Oxide (commonly known as laughing gas)

Drug offences are also determined by the level of involvement a suspect is in the drug trade.





It is illegal to possess a controlled drug. If drugs are found in your possession, you can be charged with an offence irrespective of whether they are yours. The sentence for possession differs based on what class they are categorised, a person’s previous criminal history and the quantity found.



It is also illegal to possess a controlled substance with the intent to supply to other persons.



This is where a controlled drug is given from one person to another. To be arrested for supply of drugs, it can be from as small as sharing drugs with a friend to nationwide trafficking. Within the offence of supply, there are several types of offences, depending on a person’s role in the process such as being concerned the supply, conspiracy to supply etc.



This refers to the production of drugs.



It is illegal to import or export any controlled drug unless with a licence granted by the Home Secretary and in accordance with the licence.